Available Goats
Liberty Mission April's Angel *polled*

April is a 2F as of 2024. Both times kidding was so easy, she goes into labor and kids are out within an hour without assistance. Ease of kidding is one thing we look for in an excellent dairy goat.
She also has large teats for ease of milking and does excellent on both machine or by hand milking. A great family dairy goat.
Dam: Tiny Tales Farm Beth March 3*M
Sire: Cedar View Giacomo *S*B
DS: Buttin' Heads Hanky Panky +*B
DD: SGCH Tiny Tales Farm Meg March 2*M
SS: Cedar View Marciano +*B VEE90
SD: GCH Cedar View Yadira 3*M VEEE90
2018 ANDDA SIlver JUJU Award
2019 ANDDA Silver JUJU Award
Lost Valley Via Dolorosa 3*D 2*M

Lost Valley Via Dolorosa 3*D 2*M
Born 3/6/2016 / Blue Eyes / Red Gold
Dam: GCH AGS Hill Country's Bridges Burn 2*D 1*M
Sire: Lost Valley ML Toby Mac *S*B
DS: AGS Gay-Mor's RA Kingwood
DD: CH AGS Steele Ballew Lantanna LA2012
SS: Lost Valley Malachi +*B
SD: GCH Lost Valley Lacey 2*M
Rose's 2024 kids! (above)

Rose has been an anchor in our breeding program since she arrived as a doeling back in 2016. We have retained many of her offspring and Rose will make a wonderful addition to any herd for improvement of milk production, length of body or just a family milking goat. Rose typically has 3 kids, but in 2024 she had 4 kids and was able to nurse them all with no intervention and still have milk to spare. She is a dynamo on the milk stand, easy to milk and quickly fills the jar.
Rose ALWAYS kids so easily, as though it is a walk in the park. We have never had to assist. She's easy on the milk stand by hand or by machine. I love her long body and ease of kidding. But all goats have areas of improvement so we would love to see a stronger medial attachment. We have had great success with her offspring by breeding her to a buck whose dam has a strong attachment. We would not hesitate to keep Rose in our breeding program. She is certainly not a cull and we would love to see her in a home that will appreciate her as much as we have!
Lost Valley Rachel's Well

Lost Valley Rachels Well
DOB 3/5/2016 - $350.00
Sire: *B Lost Valley LG Neeko
Dam: MCH/GCH Lost Valley CC Tatiana 4*D/1*M
2xJrGCH, 2x SrRGCH, 2xSrGCH, 4xBU, 3xBOB
2012 National Jr Champion
Date of Birth:
Height: 19 1/2 inches
Rachel is one of our favorites and we hate to let her go. But we have retained kids from her and we are forced to let go of some of our does this year. She will make a wonderful goat for a family who desires milk or for a breeder looking to add new genetics. She is trained to the milk stand and is a very friendly and agreeable goat! Such a sweet personality, she will need a sweet home.
Pros: Deep bodied, kids easily, milks out easily
Area of improvement: Would like to see larger teats but given we have bred her to Jericho's wall - we saw improvement in her offspring in one generation (See photo to left) She is trained to the milk stand both by hand and machine.
She hasn't been on milk test and has managed to miss Linear Appraisal due to a later kidding, which is why she is offered at a lower price. But she's a great family milk goat and definitely produces kids with good teat placement and strong attachments.
Coat of Arms Leba Bela 4*M

Bela blew us away as a first freshener, giving us 4+ pounds of milk per day and easily earning her milk star. As a 2nd freshener she got even better. We expect if she is appraised again as a more mature doe, her appraisal would go up. But either way, she is a keeper for any family wanting milk in good quantity, butterfat and ability to stay in milk consistently! She also has a super sweet disposition as icing on the cake.
Leba Bela 4*M - $500.00
Sire: *B Tiny Tales Farm Snowmaggeddon
Dam: GCH Tiny Tales Farm Beth March 3*M
DS: +*B Buttin' Heads Hanky Panky
DD: SGCH Tiny Tales Farm Meg March 2*M
Date of Birth:
Height: 18 1/2 inches
Milk Test:
2022 - Earned milk star
LA2022 +GE+83
Liberty Mission Josie *polled*

Josie - $600.00
Born 3/2/2023
Dam: Lost Valley TM Via Dolorosa 3*D 2*M
DD: GCH Hill Country's Bridges Burn 2*D 1*M
DS: Lost Valley Toby Mac *S*B
Sire: Cedar View Giacomo *S*B
SS: Cedar View Marciano +*B VEE90
SD: GCH Cedar View Yadira 3*M VEEE90
2018 ANDDA Silver JUJU Award (305 days, 1001# milk, 54# butterfat, and 43# protein
2019 ANDDA Silver JUJU Award - 290 days, 1004# milk, 63# butterfat, 46# protein
Liberty Mission Ashling *polled*

Ashling - $500.00
Sire: *S*B Lost Valley Jericho's Wall
SS: *S*B Lost Valley ML Toby Mac
SD: ARMCH Hill Country's KW Bridges Burn 2*D/1*M VG
2xJrGCH, 5xGCH, 4xBU, 5xBOB, 1xBIS(Sr)2009 National Champion Doe
Dam: Liberty Mission April's Angel
DS: *S*B Cedar View Giacomo
DD: GCH Tiny Tales Farm Beth March 3*M
Date of Birth: 3/8/2023
Sweet Ashling! She is so docile and people-loving. Her long body and correct stance combined with her very feminine look should make her an excellent addition to any milking herd.
American Jewel Frisco Bay

When we set out to find a special buck to add to our herd in 2022, we searched a long time and originally had our eye on a buckling from Old Mountain Farm. But when we saw Frisco at American Jewel, we knew there was something special about him. Our instincts were right! His long body is what caught our eye, but as he has matured he has shaped up very well with dairy traits we love.
The icing on the cake is his loving and easy personality! Just the kind of buck we want to have around. And so far, he has produced 6 doelings and 2 bucklings so he seems to throw does three times as often so far.
Because of his personality, and his ease of leash training, we know he would do excellent in a show ring.
He will only be sold to a show/performance home as he possesses the traits in dairy goats that are too good not to pass on.
Frisco - $1,500.00
**Show Home/LA Appraisal home only
Sire: Agape's Prize Doc O the Bay *B
SS: Agape's Prize Axl Rose CQ *B
SD: Agape's Prize Harle Quinn 2*M (AR2020)
Dam: Old School Creamery Casco Bay
DS: Old School Creamery Darius KJ
DD: Old Mountain Farm Freedomparti
Date of Birth: 2/20/2023
Frisco is brother to American Jewel Winnegance Bay who took 10th place in class at 2024 ADGA Nationals. She also has one "best in show" win.
Dam: Casco Bay (Photo Credit American Jewel Farm)

Liberty Mission Malibu Bay (doeling)
Liberty Mission Neko Bay (buckling)

Malibu Bay, Doeling, Brown Eyes

Neko Bay, Buckling, light brown eyes
Malibu - $500.00 *Deposit*
Neko - $400.00 *Retained*
(Buckling can be wethered as pet only, $200.00)
Sire: American Jewel Frisco Bay (Brother to 2x grand champion)
SD: Old School Creamery Casco Bay GCHx2(Grand Champion Senior Doe leg and Best Udder)SS: Agape's Price Doc O The Bay *B VVG86 (as a young buck)
Dam: Liberty Mission April's Angel
DS: *S*B Cedar View Giacomo
DD: GCH Tiny Tales Farm Beth March 3*M
Born: 8/25/24
Neko is very in-your-lap which will make him such an easy buck to manage and is what we look for in our bucks. He could also make an excellent pet with his heart warming personality. Can be wethered and go as a pet. He is long-bodied like his sire which should make for some amazing kids.
Malibu is very sweet but more shy than Neko, she must get to know a person before she's ready to be friends. Malibu has very correct legs and body and we are looking forward to seeing how her dam does on milk test this year, we expect she will easily earn her star.