Registered Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats

We are members of American Dairy Goat Association and American Goat Society. All of our goats are registered with both associations. Our goats are nurtured here on our farm with much attention, rotated pastures and dry barn stalls for days of bad weather. We love and care for them greatly and will only consider selling to homes that are safe and will appreciate their excellent dairy genetics.
At our farm we believe that the best way to approach animal care is by promoting excellent health preventatively in order to avoid costly treatments. We feed top quality, organic goat ration, organic alfalfa, hay from our own land and free choice, high quality minerals to our herd. We also include probiotics and vitamins as needed. Only once in our first season have we ever had to treat for worms. We use herbal preventatives, keep stress low and rotate pastures every month.
Our goal is for our goats to be very friendly and they get a lot of hands on attention here! Therefore we keep our herd smaller than most breeders to enable us to focus on quality. A kid purchased from us is sure to be extra friendly. All kids are dam raised for a strong immune system, but also handled daily by their humans. We work towards improving the genetics, good health, ease in kidding and good dispositions. While there is no "perfect" goat and we will not say we have one, we do focus and watch closely when we are making decisions on breeding plans. We will not breed a goat with faults (as described on the ADGA site), or a week immune system.
Our goats will be sold to homes who can provide a minimum of the following:
* a clean, dry, protected shelter
* fresh water, good quality hay and minerals
* secure fencing to keep goats in and wandering dogs out
* a large enough area to run, jump, and play
* good hay for growing babies, and grain for lactating does
* routine hoof trimming
* a companion
* lots of love

Since we cannot guarantee any goat after it leaves the property, we will, prior to a sale and at the buyer’s expense, make arrangements with our vet for additional testing on the goat or goats of your choice. Those customer requested test results will be provided to you at the time of sale. We are confident in the health of our goats and will guarantee negative test results (when done here at our farm prior to moving the goats), or we will reimburse the customer the cost of the tests and return any deposit on the goat or goats if the test results confirm a disease. If you require tests prior to purchasing, please remember it will take at least a week or more to arrange and receive the results. And please remember, good management practice will still require you to have testing done on your goats after they are moved to your property.